The Illusion of Comfort

what’s the difference between a religion and a cult? Frank Zappa said it best,

“The only difference between a cult and a religion is the amount of real estate they own.”

Religions that have stood the test of time did so because their value to the people who believed in them were so great that those who disbelieved were outcompeted.

Emotional comfort is central to the allure of cults.

California Institute of Technology psychologist Jon-Patrik Pedersen, in attempting to explain why people are drawn to cults, has argued that the human longing for comfort leads us to seek out people or things that can soothe our fears and anxieties.

A cult is predatory in nature. It is tapping into people’s natural tendency to believe in metaphorical truths and order, and it is extracting resources from them. A cult is something people have a difficult time getting out of because of the prison of the community and the structure of the cult, or because of the prison of the mind.

A Scientologist, whether through internal pressure, or because of their own trapped thought patterns, cannot just stop being Scientologist so easily. There is a HUGE cost, socially, emotionally, often financially, for leaving. Same with Jehovah’s Witnesses. Same with other small “religions” that don’t have the “fitness” to become mainstream. Their teachings and beliefs will always keep them relatively small and isolated, which is what most leaders prefer to avoid scrutiny for example Jim Jones led the Peoples Temple from California to Jonestown, Guyana. Media reports surfaced later on that human rights abuses were taking place in the Peoples Temple in Jonestown.

In a cult, theres a high cost for participation (your entire lifestyle, mindset, and social environment is completely dominated,) and an even HIGHER cost for leaving. A Catholic today, wouldn’t have to endure that, cult members do.

In recent news, Smallville co-star, Allison Mack is facing sex trafficking charges, sex trafficking conspiracy and forced labor conspiracy. Allison Mack got her start in acting as a child, which means “she’s been taught to want to make everybody happy from a young age” Federal prosecutors described Mack in court documents as second-in-command of a sex cult that preyed on vulnerable young women for the benefit of self-help guru Keith Raniere, who was arrested in Mexico of March 2018. Mack is accused of being a leader and prime recruiter for a sorority-esque group of young women who were manipulated into serving as “slaves” for male “masters” Mack’s “slaves were kept seriously sleep deprived and emaciated to the point where they stopped menstruating.” Ceremonies were held where the slaves were branded” Raniere’s Albany N.Y. based Nxivum Corp. billed on its website as a “community guided by humanitarian principals” Those who were led into joining the secret society known as “DOS” which stands for “dominus obsequious sororium” – Latin for “master over the slave women” or “the Vow” had to provide a form of “collateral” in the form of embarrassing photos or written testimonials that could be used against them if they tried to leave and discredit others. Members were continually pressured to divulge more compromising material under the threat that previous items would be publicly released.

In the summer of 2017 R&B solo-singer/songwriter/producer R Kelly was accused of holding women against their will in an abusive sex cult. R Kelly has been accused of having sexual relations with minors dating back to 1994 when Kelly was 27 he married then 15 year old Aaliyah which was soon later annulled. The pair was working on her debut album Age Ain’t nothing but a number. In 1996 R Kelly faced a lawsuit stating that he engaged in group sex with 15 year old Tiffany Hawkins. The lawsuit documents he engaged in inappropriate sexual contact with her, engaging in group sex with her and other minors. She also states she attempted suicide when Kelly broke off their relationship. The Sun-Times reports that the suit was settled for $250,000 in 1998. In 2001 a rumor speculates that R Kelly starred in a sex tape featuring a minor, the police can’t identify the identity or the age of the girl in the tape. The same year, former Epic intern Tracy Sampson files a civil suit against Kelly for $50,000 “I was coerced into receiving oral sex from a girl i did not want to have sex with.” she claims in the suit documents, she was 17 at the time. “I was often treated as Kelly’s personal sex object and cast aside.” The case was settled for an unknown amount. In 2002 another lawsuit is filed against Kelly claiming he had sex with 16 year old Patrice Jones, got her pregnant, and pushed her to have an abortion, the following month Montina Woods files suit, alleging that Kelly taped them having sex without her knowledge. Both cases were settled for undisclosed sums. Jones’ suit was settled out of court; Woods receives money in exchange for a nondisclosure agreement. In addition, another sex tape is sent anonymously to The Sun-Times, this tape leads to Kelly’s indictment on 21 child pornography charges in Illinois. In 2003 when R Kelly is arrested in Florida, the police seize a camera that is also said to contain images of sex with a minor. Florida indicts Kelly on 12 more counts of child pornography. He pleaded Not Guilty. In Florida, circuit judge Dennis Maloney rules that the search of Kelly’s property- which led to the charges of child pornography in that state- were undertaken without sufficient evidence. Those 12 counts were dropped. In 2017 BuzzFeed publishes a story that six women live in properties rented by Kelly in Chicago and suburbs of Atlanta and he controls every aspect of their lives, dictating what they eat, how they dress, when they bathe, when they sleep, and even how they engage in sexual encounters that he records. Since the story broke,  multiple women have added their own testimonies of abuse at R Kelly’s hands. Another woman accused R Kelly of knowing and intentionally infecting her with an STD. Despite decades of lawsuits and allegations, kelly’s career has marched steadily on.

The Children of God which was formed in 1968, as a small group of teens and hippies who, who under the direction of David Berg, a charismatic evangelical preacher, devoted themselves to the worship of Jesus Christ and promiscuous sex, according to the New York Attorney general’s office. By early 1969 COG counted 50 converts, and eventually Berg hit the road with his “family”. Over 8 months they grew to 200 members. People dropped what they were doing to join this caravan of pious revolutionaries. In public COG was invoking the name of God. In private, it’s prophets was running a child sex ring. Berg’s own daughter Deborah described her fathers actions in a 1984 expose. She claims he attempted to have sex with her several times, and engaged in continuous sexual relationship with his other daughter, Faith. Child actor River Phoenix’s parents were missionaries for the cult. He had his first sexual encounter at just 4 years old. The Phoenix family traveled across the United states and South America with the cult. For a while the family settled in Venezuela where the cult set up camp. The children sang on the streets for extra money. When the family resettled in Los Angeles, the children kept up their street performing, and that is how River Phoenix got discovered. ” Sex was nearly all that River could think about.” Cory Feldman said. So, he decided to lose his “second-virginity,” you know, because he lost his first when he was four. So, he decided to lose it to this older girl he knew, and strangely enough, he asked his parents for permission. Instead of just saying yes, his parents put a tent in the backyard for their son to get it on in, and they “decorated it to enhance the mood.” River was 15-years old at the time. Phoenix knew fellow child actor, Corey Feldman from the audition circuits in L.A., but the two didn’t become friends until their landmark film, Stand By Me. Phoenix and Feldman first got involved with drugs and alcohol on the set of that film. This path ultimately proved fatal for River, and it nearly destroyed Feldman’s life as well. A technician on the set of the film offered them their first hit of pot. Phoenix’s drug use was far more out of control than he had let on. He gave off the impression of this vegan hippy kid, but he was spiraling downwards into an abyss of intravenous drug use. On October 31, 1993, Phoenix collapsed and died of combined drug intoxication following a drug overdose on the sidewalk outside the West Hollywood nightclub The Viper Room at the age of 23.

American actress Rose McGowan was also a part of this cult. Her father ran an Italian chapter of the Children of God in which both he and his wife held membership until 1978. Her parents returned to the United States when she was 10 years old and settled in Oregon. McGowan had a wayward childhood, living as a teenage runaway in Portland, Oregon and associating with a group of drag queens in the city. When her parents divorced, she lived with her father in Seattle, Washington. At 15, she officially emancipated herself from her parents and moved to Los Angeles.

If common sense was enough to recognize a cult or false religion, nobody would ever be involved in one. Further, you can not expect a cult to admit they are one. Otherwise, why would anyone remain a member, or be interested in joining? Remember, cults will always have some sort of support for their beliefs, and the people involved sincerely believe what they are doing is right.

The Politics of serial murder


” No one wants to believe the cult story. The TV people cut it out. The writers don’t write about it.” – Henry Lee Lucas

Most serial killers were/are (unwilling) participants of MK ULTRA and other secret government projects. The government psychologically profiles them, they were all picked out because they were perverted and twisted. What could possibly backup, justify or even legitimize these outlandish claims?

In 1963 John Fowles published “The Collector”, a disturbing tale of a man obsessed with control. A butterfly (butterflies often being symbolic of MK Ultra personality splitting) collector in  the beginning of the book, he soon enough reveals his desire to collect and control women.

Serial killers who have served in the military:

  1. Jeffrey Dahmer
  2. Dean Corll
  3. David Berkowitz
  4. Gary Heidnik
  5. Dennis Rader
  6. Robert Lee Yates
  7. Arthur Shawcross

In November 1961 Gary Heidnik joined the U.S. Army and requested that he be trained as a military policeman. The army opted to send him to Fort Sam Houston near San Antonio, Texas for training as a medic. When the training was complete he was sent to an army hospital in West Germany to work as an orderly. That didn’t work out too well, however especially after the army began experimenting on him with powerful hallucinogenic drugs. As his records would later reveal, he was sent back to a military hospital here in the states and then released early with an honorable discharge. He later became a “collector.”  Heidnik spent time in and out of psychiatric hospitals, and had attempted suicide at least 13 times. Several sources say he ground up the flesh of his victims mixed it with dog food and fed it to his other victims. His torture methods included electro shock, starvation, rape, and dismemberment.


Read it and weep

In January 1979 Jeffrey Dammer also joined the U.S. Army and requested that he be trained as a military policeman. The army though opted to send him to Fort Sam Houston   near San Antonio, Texas for training as a medic. When that training was complete he was sent to an army hospital in West Germany to work as an orderly. Dahmer may have been some sort of MK ULTRA experiment gone wrong, or the fall guy for a group of people who were involved (just like John Wayne Gacy and Ted Bundy). Dahmer committed his first murder in 1978 when he was 18 years old just 3 weeks after his high school graduation. He dissolved the flesh in acid before flushing the solution down the toilet. He crushed the bones with a sledgehammer and scattered them in the woodland behind the family home. According to published reports, he was an “average or slightly above average” soldier. 2 soldiers attest to having been raped by Dhamer while in the army. Because of Dahmers alcohol abuse, his performance deteriorated and in march 1981 he was honorably discharged. Dahmer once got “caught” by the police abusing a minor when he wandered off, Jeffrey went to go reclaim him when he had to explain to the officers that his “boyfriend” just had too much to drink. Amazingly enough the officers on the scene claimed that they actually accompanied the pair back to Dahmers apartment and noticed nothing amiss there. That was in spite of the fact that there was a 3 day old rotting corpse lying on the bed with the attendant smell of death permeating the apartment. There was also an abundance of morbid artifacts and photos lying about his home. Nevertheless. the officers purportedly saw nothing wrong and left the scene with the victim still in Dahmers’ custody. The policeman failed to run a background check which would have revealed that Jeffrey Dahmer was a convicted sex offender and a child molester still under probation. 2 of the 3 cops involved in returning the minor to Dammer were fired from the Milwaukee police department after their actions were widely publicize, including an audiotape of the officers making homophobic statements to their dispatcher and cracking jokes about having the lovers reunited.

Kay Griggs had said in an interview that she thinks Jeffrey Dahmer was connected to CIA black Ops. Jeffrey Dahmer had a satanic altar in his house and dabbled in the occult. He told authorities that he believed that by constructing the altar, and by consuming the flesh of his victims, he would be infused with “special powers and energies” that would help him succeed socially and financially. There is a chance that Dahmer was deliberately murdered in prison. According to Dahmers’ attorney there was about 40 minutes before they knew the whereabouts of his murderer and the murder weapon. His attorney is positive that this was allowed to happen.

Theodore John Kaczynski also known as the “Unabomber” was a subject of MK ULTRA while he was a young student, 16 years old at Harvard University where he earned an undergraduate degree. Growing up he was a child prodigy excelling academically from an early age. By the 5th grade Ted had an IQ of 167. As a Harvard undergraduate he was among 22 students who were research subjects in an ethically questionable experiment conducted by Professor  Henry Murray from late 1959 to early 1962. Students in Murray’s study were told they would be debating personal philosophy with a fellow student. Instead they were subjected to a “purposely brutalizing” psychological experiment. During the test students were taken into a room and connected to electrodes that monitored their physiological reactions, while facing bright lights and a one way mirror. Each student had previously had written an essay detailing their personal beliefs and aspirations. The essays were turned over to an anonymous attorney who would enter the room and individually belittle each student based in part on the disclosures they had made. According to author Alston Chase, Kaczynski’s records from that period suggest he was emotionally stable when the study began. Kaczynski’s lawyers attributed some of his emotional instability and dislike of mind control techniques to his participation in this study. Furthermore some have suggested that this experience may have been instrumental in his future actions.


16 year old Ted leaves for Harvard, 1958 

Henry Lee Lucas has some pretty interesting tales to tell. He told his story in a book written for him by a sympathetic author. The book entitled The Hand Of Death: The Henry Lee Lucas Story tells of Henrys indoctrination into a nationwide satanic cult. Lucas claimed that he was trained by the cult in a mobile paramilitary training camp in the Florida Everglades. His training included instruction in abduction and arson techniques as well as in the fine art of killing, up close, and personal. Henry further claimed that leaders of the camp were so impressed with him handling of a knife that he was allowed to serve as a training instructor. Following his training Henry claimed that he served the cult in many ways. Including as a contract killer and an abductor of children whom he delivered to a ranch in Mexico near Juarez. Once there, they were used in the production of child pornography and for ritual sacrifices. Henry said that this cults operations were based in Texas and included trafficking children and drugs among other illegal pursuits. What Henry claimed essentially is that what appeared to be the random works of a serial killer was in fact a planned series of crimes often committed for specific purposes.

Could Henry have been telling the truth about being a contract killer? And if so, did the contracts he was receiving have some kind of government connection? Though Henry did not address the subject in his book, the training camps as he described it, clearly has military connections. Henry explicitly stated that the cult included among its members varies socially prominent individuals, including high-level politicians.

“They think I’m stupid, but before all this is over, everyone will know who’s really stupid.  And we’ll see who the real criminals are.” – Henry Lee Lucas

In 1971 at the age of 18 David Berkowitz “The Son Of Sam” joined the U.S. Army but was honorably discharged in 1974. Berkowitz began to claim he joined a cult in the spring of 1975 He remains the only person to be charged with the shootings, yet some law enforcement authorities have questioned whether Berkowitz’s claims are credible. A new investigation of the murders began during 1996, but was suspended indefinitely after inconclusive findings. Journalist Maury Terry was in fact able to document the involvement in the cult of such figures as cotton club film producer Roy Radin and wealthy art Andrew Crispo. Crispo actually admitted to being present at a ritual homicide, though he denied participation  in the grizzly murder, Radin on the other hand became a victim of the cult himself. Contract killer William Mentzer was among 4 people sentenced for shooting Radin multiple times in the head and using dynamite to make identification by authorities more challenging. During 1987 David Berkowitz became an evangelical christian in prison. He says he is no longer the “Son of Sam” but the “Son of Hope”.

John Wayne Gacy was a very well connected man although he never served in the military, he served as a lightning commissioner and as an assistant precinct captain for a democratic party in his neighborhood. He claimed to have been an aide to Chicago mayor Richard Daley, and he was known to be on friendly terms with Illinois Attorney General William Scott . He once had his picture taken with first lady Rosalynn Carter; the image is signed: “To John Gacy. Best Wishes. Rosalynn Carter.” In the photo Gacy is wearing a secret service “S” lapel pin, indicating that he had high level security clearance. Another hint of Gacy’s political connections was provided by an observation made by  one of his prosecutors: “2 items on Gacys Chicago police reports were blacked out, indicating that they were FBI matters.”

John also claimed to having organized crime connections which is not surprising given the fine line between politics and organized crime. Gacy claimed not only he himself worked for the syndicate, but also that he was a cousin of local mob figure Tony Accardo. Although Gacy confessed to being a mass murderer, he had very little knowledge of the crimes to which he confessed. He claimed for instance that all of the victims were strangled, but forensic evidence suggested that at least 13 of them had in fact been suffocated. He provided a map of the locations of the bodies under his house that press reports claimed was accurate, even though it actually contained numerous discrepancies. Gacy was able to recall sketchy details of only 5 of the killings; the other 28 he had no memory at all. He claimed that the murders began in 1974, but then later stated that the first occurred in 1972. Perhaps in his initial statement to the police indicated there were others involved in the actual killings and Gacys house was just a convenient place to dispose of the bodies. Gary himself suggested such a scenario in one of his letters to the judge: “As you know, other then the so-called statements made by me, and giving in a self-serving manner by officers for the prosecution, there is only evidence that I own the house that was used for their bodies safe keeping.”

Gacy’s statement was an accurate one, as outrageous as it may be, there were atleast a half a dozen people were known to have keys to Gacy’s home. One of the surviving victims who testified against Gacy had a rather interesting story to tell. Under oath he told of having a meeting with the police and the assistant state attorney not long after his initial complaint was filed; at the meeting he was not allowed to sign any complaints against Gacy and was bluntly informed that no action was going to be taken. Whether any of the associates were involved in the deaths of the victims will  likely never to be known. The man in the best position to provide answers to any of these questions was executed by the state of Illinois on May 10, 1994.

Like Gacy, Ted Bundy was a very well connected guy. He attended the Republican national convention as a supporter of presidential candidate Nelson Rockefeller. At about the same time he worked as a driver and body guard for Art Fletcher, a candidate for lieutenant governor in the state of Washington. In 1967 Bundy traveled to Aspen, Colorado for an extended stay after telling his friends that he had been hired as a ski instructor, which turned out to be a lie. The real reason for Ted’s stay in Aspen remains a unknown. In  1971, Ted Bundy began working at the Seattle crisis clinic as a paid work study student. He remained there thru May 1972. A number of cult defectors/survivors have claimed that such services are frequently infiltrated by cult members so that they may be used as cult recruitment tools. Not surprisingly those who are contemplating suicide are particularly vulnerable to recruitment by cults. given that they have essentially given up hope on all other possible solutions to their problems.

Ted left the crisis center to intern Harborview county hospital as a psychiatric counselor. His salary there was funded by a federal grant. Bundy was later suspected by the hospital staff of calling patients at home at night making anonymous threats and talking inappropriately of sexual matters. Ted worked for a variety of city, state, and county law enforcement entities. In grade school Bundy’s innate intelligence was recognized, but the reports home about his good grades were invariably accompanied by notes of his teachers about the need to control of his furious temper. Ted claims he had no natural sense of how to develop friendships.

” I didn’t know what made people want to be friends.”

Bundy later received a scholarship to attend Stanford University. Ted purportedly attended Stanford University for sessions in intensive Chinese studies although nothing else in his biography hints at any interest in Chinese studies. In early 1968 Ted dropped out of college and worked at a series of minimum-wage jobs. He also volunteered at the Seattle office of Nelson Rockefeller’s presidential campaign and in August, attended the 1968 Republican National convention in Miami as a Rockefeller delegate. Ted was reportedly a huge Rockefeller fan. Ted also worked that year as a key organizer of Washington governor Dan Evans’ reelection campaign. His job was specifically to spy and gather intelligence on the governors opponent. Governor Evans later personally wrote Ted a glowing letter of recommendation to a Utah law school.

In Apil 1973, he became a special assistant to Washington’s republican chairman Ross Davis whom Ted frequently dined with and who’s children, amazingly enough occasionally babysat. In July of that same year Bundy again flew to the San Fransisco area just as the dust was settling from the flurry of ritual murders that had terrorized that city. Just after his return to Washington, women began disappearing from the Seattle/Tacoma area. Before that time, the Seattle area had experienced very few murders– but that was about to change dramatically. There is no consensus on when or where Bundy began killing women. Ted told different stories to different people and he refused to divulge the specifics of his earliest crimes.

Ted Bundy 1976 by the Salt Lake Tribune 


Is it coincidence that so many notorious serial killers have close ties to the military? Is it possible the goals of the CIA’s MK Ultra were far more nefarious than anybody could have imagined? Is there a connection between the occult and certain sects of the military complex? Could it be that there are satanic agendas stemming from the powers that be? Are these serial killers ultimately “collectors”, getting their hands dirty in the place of high-ranking officials that cannot risk being directly involved in the more incriminating parts of their sinister cult rituals?

The War on Your Mind 

    Mind Control is a psychological warfare weapon that Adolf Hitler regarded as the answer to taking over the entire planet. 

   The Americans picked up this idea, created an American version & called it psychological warfare. 

Psychological Warfare– The use of Propoganda or other psychological means to influence or confuse the thinking, undermine the morale of an enemy or opponent. …in other words mind control.

   The origins of psychological warfare came from Nazi, Germany. In the Nazi ideology they had something that was called Weltenshunkreig which means World View Warfare. The idea for the Nazi’s was imposing the Nazi world view on the countries that they have occupied.

     Project Paperclip was a United States government sanction CIA operation for the importation of Nazi & Facist scientists in the U.S. After WWII U.S. Military officials lobbied congress to sanction the top secret Nazi transportation operation. Their statement was:

     ” If we don’t bring these people in and contain them, then our enemy the Soviet Union get them.” 

    In 1946, president Truman approved project Paperclip, bringing Hitler’s Top Scientists into the United States. They brought in about 700 propulsion scientists & about 600 mind scientists. The CIA was given the responsibility to place the individuals out of Project Paperclip into military industrial complex including our universities and colleges.

     Mind science is the study of human behavior in relation to the mind. It is the newest of all the arts and is less than 100 years old and is by far the one most cloaked in secrecy.

    While propulsion scientists went onto lead the U.S. space program, the mind scientists continued to experiment with mind control techniques.

     Learning from the Nazi’s, American scientists began to develop their own applications for mind control. The name for mind control research in this country was called MK ULTRA.

     MK UKTRA was one program from a series of programs that came out of the CIA to experiment with different types of mind control. The first test subjects for MK ULTRA were U.S. military personnel. Without their consent, they were given doses of LSD & PCP. MK ULTRA allowed experiments to be done on prisoners, soldiers, college students, and even children.

   The CIA used experiments on their own men to discover if they could get rid of agents who were going to quit the department and knew classified information. Pain and trauma can split the human mind with walls of amnesia as a survival/defense mechanism. Mind scientists utilized different types of drugs, pain, hypnosis, and electroshock to try to erase their memories and create new ones. They did experiments to see if you can change a persons opinion, induce a person to commit a crime or to program them to carry out an agenda using trigger words and chemicals. 

    In the late 1950s the CIA began to fund top secret experiments in brainwashing.

Brainwashto indoctrinate so intensively and thoroughly as to effect a radical transformations of beliefs and mental attitudes.

   Due to the psychologically destructive nature of brainwashing research the CIA began to seek new, unwitting test subjects in psychiatric hospitals. 

     In 1943 MK ULTRA scientist Ewan Cameron was invited to McGill university in Montreal by neurosurgeon Wilder Penfield. With a grant from the Rockefeller foundation, money from John Wilson from the Montreal star, and a gift ft of Sir Hugh Allen’s mansion on Mt.Royal, the Allen memorial institute was founded. From 1957-1964 patients at the Allen memorial institute in Montreal becam guinea pigs for MK ULTRA scientist Ewan Cameron

       Ewan Cameron was one of the foremost psychiatrists of his time in the 1950s. Cameron had been hoping to correct schizophrenia by erasing existing memories and reprogramming the psyche. He was using high tech sound techniques, multiple kinds of loop records forcing people to listen to recorded messages for weeks on end to basically destroy thinking patterns. Patients were placed in a drug induced coma that lasted weeks up to three months in one case  while recorded messages were driven into their minds.msuch consequences included amnesia, forgetting how to talk, forgetting their parents and thinking their interrogators were their parent.

     In 1939 Wendell Johnson conducted a stuttering experiment at the university of Iowa that was dubbed the monster experiment. He conducted a study that would try to discover the relationship between the persons thoughts and feelings in relation to their stuttering and if it could be a learned behavior. A grad students of his, Mary, had agreed to also conduct the experiment under his supervision. She gathered 22 orphans and split them into two groups. In one group were the known stutterers, the second group were children that could speak well. The group of children who stuttered received positive attention and positive reinforcement. The children were told that stuttering was just a phase and not to listen to anybody who criticized them. The group of well spoken children received negative attention and were told to never stutter. Those children were lied to and were told they showed traits of a child that could become a stutterer. The children became so afraid of accidentally slipping up and stuttering that they began to mentally shut dow their grades began to drop, they developed nervous habits, some refused to even speak at all. The children disconnected from their friends out of fear of speaking. One child even ran away. Their repression was such a powerful one, that some of the children lived with the damage from the experiment for the rest of their lives. The university of Iowa publicly apologized for their study in 2001 nearly 60 years later.

     In 1977 the Church Hearings investigated the top secret mind control project, this forced the CIA to release files exposing the files exposing the history of MK ULTRA. In 1980 the CIA was sued by nine victims of Dr. Cameron’s mind control research. They were each awarded $100,000 in compensatory damages. Now 60+ years later MK UKTRA research is much more clever and sophisticated.
    The media is one of the most modern and far reaching means of mass persuasion & influence to the public that has ever existed.

     This is not a break-in into people’s homes or invasion of privacy by illegal wire tapping. This is an invasion of the persons mind. The wars are not won on the battlefields, they are won in the minds of the people. 

Wild Women

“There’s a reason it’s called ‘Girls Gone Wild’ and not ‘Women Gone Wild’ When girls go wild they show their tits, when women go wild they kill men and drown their kids in a tub.” – Louis CK

Jerice Hunter of Phoenix, Arizona was found guilty and sentenced to life without parole on Friday June 17, 2015 for the murder of her 5 year old daughter Jhessye Shockley while Hunter was pregnant with her second child. First reports of child abuse emerged and Hunter was arrested in 2005 with then husband on child abuse charges in California. Hunter served about 4 years in prison and was released on parole in 2010. Prosecutors say Shockley was beaten, neglected, deprived of food and water, and was confined in a closet before her body was dumped. Hunter had a friend give her a ride to a neighboring city so she could dump a suitcase containing the body in a trash bin before telling the authorities the child was missing in 2011. The body was never found even though the officers picked through 9,500 tons of garbage at landfills.

“I know I’ve been made out to be a horrible person and a monster of a mother. I’ve been convicted of a horrible crime, which I most definitely did not commit.” Hunter said to the court.

“Women commit only about 10% of murders in the United States, but when they kill, they can be just as ruthless as men.” – Time Life Magazine

Mitchelle Blair of Detroit, Michigan Mother of 4 was also found guilty and was committed to serve life in prison with no parole for murdering her 13 year old daughter Stoni in 2013 and her 9 year old son Steven in 2012. Blair claims that Stoni and Steven sexually assaulted her other children 8 and 17 years old who are now in the custody of their aunt. Even though she made these allegations she never reported it to the authorities. There was no evidence her other children were being sexually abused. Stoni and Steven were found in a freezer in March while Blair was being evicted.

“I don’t regret none of this…I don’t feel no remorse for the death of them demons.” Blair said in court.

Blair admits to pouring hot water on Stoni and Steven, beating them with sticks, and putting trash bags over their heads.

“As horrendous as everybody thinks I am — that’s fine.” – Mitchelle Blair

The Queen of Malibu

In February 2015 Bruce Jenner filmed an interview with Diane Sawyer to publicly announce that he would be transitioning into a woman.

On Monday June 1, 2015 the world was introduced to Caitlyn Jenner, formerly known as the “American Champion” after shattering world records at the Men’s Decathalon 1976 Summer Olympics in Montreol. Caitlyn Jenner made her debut on June’s issue of Vanity Fair. Jenner stated that his brain is more female then male, Jenner also said that he believes he has the soul of a woman.

Recent rumors of Jenner cross-dressing and transitioning into a female emerged in 2014 where his appointment to get his Adams-apple shaved got leaked to the media and shortly thereafter Jenner was spotted and photographed by the paparazzi of Jenner wearing lipstick and sporting bright colorful manicures. Jenner stated in the interview with Diane Sawyer in February 2015 that the first time he was caught wearing women’s panty hose under his track suit was before he was known as the step-dad on the hit reality television show “Keeping up with the Kardashians” in the 70’s a reporter came to his house and asked about the situation, Jenner politely refused to discuss it and the press left him alone.

Since the Diane Sawyer interview Jenner has been receiving applause and admiration from the LGBT community and the gay-friendly community. Receiving encouragement and congratulations from President Obama, Oprah Winfrey, Jimmy Fallon, Lady Gaga, and other openly gay calebrities. Other celebrities who are opposed to the idea of a man wanting to become a woman at the age of 65 have received backlash, hate, and cyber bullying such as Jenner’s 3rd ex-wife Kris Jenner with whom they share 2 children, Producer Timbaland who refuses to call Bruce Jenner by his preferred name “Caitlyn”, His mother also stating the same thing, she will continue to call her son Bruce, Cleveland Cavaliers guard J.R. Smith re-posted and Instagram photo also shared by rapper Snoop Dogg referring to Jenner as “that science project.” Kris Humphries – Kim Kardashian’s 2nd ex-husband, also received backlash for Tweeting “He’s glad he got out when he could” and actor Drake Bell for also stating that he would still be calling him Bruce.

America today is becoming more and more gay friendly. In March of 2015 Dolce & Gabbana opened up about their beliefs in an interview stating that children born through IVF are “children of chemistry, synthetic children, uteruses for rent, semen chosen from a catalog.”
“I am gay, I cannot have a child. I guess you cannot have everything in life.” Dolce added “Life has a natural course and something’s cannot be changed. One is the family.” After this statement was released Dolce & Gabbana had offended the gay community. Elton John had started a #BoycottDolceGabbana on Twitter and every celebrity joined in on the protest against the designers sad but true remarks about how gay couples have children and that life has a natural course.

Is Estrogen the new Testosterone?

Zakia Medkour a French woman was charged for torturing and enslaving her now ex-boyfriend Maxim Gaget. The couple met in 2007 and after 7 months he moved in with her and her children. Shortly thereafter, Gaget began to experience physical and verbal abuse that would go on for over a year.
Maxim Gaget was forced to sleep on the floor, was denied access the bathroom and the outside world. Medkour stole Gagets identity and credit cards and would get salt thrown in his eyes, he would get burned with lit cigarettes, poked at with hot knives, drank bleach and window cleaner against his will and was forced to eat sponges…

Medkour threatened that if he rebelled she would accuse him of pedophilia. Gaget was eventually rescued by his parents after Medkours brother raised the alarm and had to get 8 hospital operations because of his injuries.

“In the beginning there were feelings and then fear and then shame,” Gaget told the court.

“It is hard for a man to admit he is being beaten by a woman. I also stayed to protect the children.”

Gaget in February published a book about his experiences called “My Girlfriend. My Torturer” which has helped lift the taboo about domestic abuse against men in France.


In the book, Gaget said he wanted to publicise the fact “that such atrocities exist, and are unfortunately not isolated issues.”
Medkour grew up in a foster home after her father had committed suicide. She is bipolar and an alcoholic.


Medkour was sentenced 3 years in prison, half of which was suspended and was ordered to pay €200,000 ($217,000) She apologized for her actions and continued to say “I’m not heartless.”